January 26, 2008

Me and Hubs

We met in my sophomore year of college. I went to an all women's school down the street from his school which was filled with mostly men and some "very handsome" women. He knew we would be together. I needed some convincing.

We dated all through college and at graduation-time I knew a proposal was coming. I...well..freaked out. I broke up with him for fear that I was somehow missing out on the dating scene and I had limited myself with only dating him. We were apart for 6 months when I realized that no man would ever be as wonderful to me as he had been and I was an ass for dumping him so abruptly.

I put my tail between my legs and called him. Of course I called him at a time when I knew he wouldn't be at home and I would have to leave a message because I was a wuss! I lucked out. He called back and four years later we got married.

He's a good guy. He has his moments, but I'm pretty lucky.